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SOCIAL 2 Skills Practice

Over the course of the next 6 weeks, you will learn information to help you navigate your role as a caregiver for someone living with dementia. The prompts below will help you adapt some of these new healthy habits in your everyday life.

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Session 1

Exploring the Stresses of Dementia Caregiving

Spend ~5-10 minutes per day journaling about your thoughts and feelings regarding caregiving and the related stressors you are experiencing.


  1. How does stress affect you? 

  2. How do you handle stressful situations on your best days? On your worst days? 

  3. Be a detective:  What causes stress in your care recipient?  How do they respond to stress? 

Session 2

Sleep Hygiene for Dementia Caregivers

Spend ~5-10 minutes per day journaling about current sleep habits and things that you are incorporating to improve your sleep quality.  


  1. What do you do to help ensure you have a good night’s sleep? 

  2. What strategies can you try to help your care recipient get a better night’s sleep? 

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Session 3

Physical Activity for Dementia Caregivers

Spend ~5-10 minutes per day journaling about your plans for getting or staying active as a caregiver.  


  1. Make a list of the  physical activities you enjoy. What are the barriers from participating in this? 

  2. What physical activities can you do with your care recipient? 

  3. Are there any activities that incorporate being outdoors? 

Session 4


Spend 5-10 minutes per day journaling about your current eating habits and reflect on changes you would like to make! 


1. What foods do you want to cut out and which ones would you like to incorporate more of into your diet?

2. What are healthy snacks or meals that your care recipient likes? 

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Session 5

Healthy Eating as a Dementia Caregiver

Spend ~5-10 minutes per day journaling about your meals.  


1. Reflect on what you had each day or meal planning for the week.

2. What are your thoughts on the MIND diet? 


Session 6

Putting It All Together

To review all the exercises you've completed so far, scroll up to the previous sessions!

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